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Mobility Exercises

Love Liberates

I am deeply grateful to have Maya Angelou to turn to whenever I need an injection of all that is good in life. Morning and night, even if I don't have much else to meditate on, I remember this from Maya:

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Thank you for all that you gave us, Maya. Thank you. Read more


The world responds really well to those who take responsibility and give away credit. - Seth Godin

Many thanks to Tom Bilyeu and Seth Godin for this inspiring conversation.

As Seth says, "the world doesn’t respond well to hustlers; (people) don't like being hustled. The world responds really well to people who take responsibility and give away credit."

For more of Seth's thoughts on conscious living, you can visit:

Seth's Blog Read more


Hip Mobility Exercises

Active Hamstring Stretch / Knee Extension:

Standing Hip Circles:

Swivel Hips:

Sole Frog Stretch: Read more


Simple Exercises for Better Balance

It's important to note that any activity that requires that you maintain your balance - be it while on your feet, hands, pelvis, or a combination thereof - will develop your joint position sense, thereby strengthening your immunity against slips and falls. Read more


5 Simple Hamstring Exercises for Improved Knee and Hip Function

This video demonstrates a variety of simple hamstring-strengthening and activating exercises that almost invariably lead to improved knee and hip function. Please be sure to have the volume on your viewing device and within the video on for accompanying guidance for each exercise. Read more


Grown up Christmas List - Michael Bublé

Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies

Well I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child but my heart still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up Christmas list
Not for myself but for a world in need Read more


Love is Christmas - Sara Bareilles

I don't care if the house is packed,
Or the strings of light are broken.
I don't care if the gifts are wrapped,
Or if there's nothing here to open.

Love is not a toy, and no paper will conceal it.
Love is simply joy that I'm home. Read more


Daily Wake-Up For Your Spine and Shoulders

With an exercise ball and a towel or exercise band, you can do both of the simple mobility exercises shown in this video as a daily wake-up for your spine and shoulders.

When rolling back on the ball to encourage extension of the spine, aim to roll back to a point where your legs are fully straight and extended at the knees with your feet remaining on the ground. Read more




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