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Mobility Exercises

How to Manually Dissolve Tightness Through The Calves

How to manually dissolve tightness through the calves. Read more


See Joseph Gordon-Levitt Play Music With People He's Never Met

The end result is beautiful. :) Read more


The Healing Power of Empathy

Last week, I mentioned a video on how Koreans of different ages and life circumstances reacted to meeting a young Korean lady with vitiligo.

The clip below shows the older lady who was courageous enough to honestly say that she could not accept someone with such a visible issue as her daughter-in-law. I received a few messages from readers who expressed empathy for this view.

I agree that she should be respected for honestly expressing her stance - it's perfectly understandable. Read more


How to Strengthen Your Hips and Core

For those interested in preserving hip health and mobility, this is a compound movement that I can suggest working at - it's more challenging than basic hip swivel work, but is an excellent way of combining hip, core, and upper body conditioning. Read more


How to Open Up Tight Hips

For those struggling with hip pain and stiffness, this is a simple stretch that I recommend doing daily.

This is best done with a strong resistance band - I prefer one made of a fabric-like material like this: Fabric Resistance Band Read more


How to Improve Tissue Health Around the Elbow Region

This is a brief look at how to use a dowel, massage ball, or flexbar to strip adhesions in the tissues surrounding the elbow region - this tends to be especially needed by those who do a lot of straight arm work where the muscles and ligaments that feed into the elbow region are regularly engaged. Read more


How to Build Pain-Free and Mobile Shoulders at Any Age

If you have a tendency to experience shoulder pain or stiffness, I recommend doing the stretches shown in the video above before getting out of bed. Read more


Making All Exercises Core-Centric For More Functional Strength

These days, I’m loving the focus of making all exercises core-centric.

Generally, working with weights unilaterally while striving to keep the core in a strong and neutral position with abs and glutes contracted is a rewarding approach. Read more


Windmill Twister Release for Healthy Shoulders and Spinal Joints

I call this the Windmill Twister Release - it’s relatively simple and incredibly effective in releasing tightness in the lower back, pelvis, mid-back, and shoulder region.

I named it in honour of a jiu jitsu submission hold called the Twister, made famous by mixed martial artist, Chan Sung Jung, better known as the Korean Zombie. Read more




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