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Dr. Ben Kim's blog

How to Improve Tissue Health Around the Elbow Region

This is a brief look at how to use a dowel, massage ball, or flexbar to strip adhesions in the tissues surrounding the elbow region - this tends to be especially needed by those who do a lot of straight arm work where the muscles and ligaments that feed into the elbow region are regularly engaged. Read more


Why I Take A Cold Shower Every Morning

I was introduced to the practice of taking cold showers for multiple health benefits by a good friend in graduate school more than 25 years ago. I still remember the shock of giving it a go for the first time in the middle of a harsh winter in a suburb of Chicago. My body immediately began hyperventilating as I summoned all of my resolve to take on that icy cold water from Lake Michigan. Beyond the initial moment of impact, what I remember most was a deep sense of satisfaction afterward for getting through the experience. Read more


A Way To Break Down Spike Protein?

Over the past year, I've had a number of people ask if there is a natural way to help break down spike protein.

I've been finding that people in the midst of an infection as well as those experiencing troublesome symptoms following vaccination have been responding well to taking proteolytic enzymes. One of the primary ingredients in our proteolytic enzyme blend is nattokinase, an enzyme derived from fermented soybeans that is effective in breaking down fibrin. Read more


How to Reduce Our Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

First, it's vital to understand that cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance that we need to be healthy.

Here are some reasons why we need cholesterol:

  • It contributes to cell membrane integrity and function

  • Cholesterol is used to make hormones that help us deal with stress, as well to make sex hormones

  • It is converted to vitamin D, which is essential for proper growth, healthy bones, a healthy nervous system, muscle tone, and proper immune system function


When You Can't Decide

How to Build Pain-Free and Mobile Shoulders at Any Age

If you have a tendency to experience shoulder pain or stiffness, I recommend doing the stretches shown in the video above before getting out of bed. Read more


Best Ways To Prevent Alzheimer's

Of the four major chronic degenerative diseases that most people pass on from, the one that we have no efficacious treatments for is dementia, the most common one being Alzheimer's.

Thankfully, there are some concrete daily habits that can substantially lower our risk of developing dementia:

1. Prevent hearing loss.

Hearing loss often leads to less social interaction and less auditory input, which causes cognitive decline. If hearing loss already exists, use of a hearing aid is recommended. Read more


4 Most Common Diseases & How to Prevent Them

When I first meet people and they get to know what I do for work, I'm often asked to suggest a few things they can do to stay healthy.

In broad terms, the chronic degenerative diseases that most people in today's world eventually die from are:

Heart Disease
Alzheimer's (and other neuro-degenerative diseases)

The sum of the highest quality medical literature I have read over the years on how to prevent these four classes of disease is this: Read more


A Fun Way To Lower Your Risk of Dementia

Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia.  

Today, there are more than 50 million diagnosed cases of dementia worldwide.  And by 2030, this number is expected to increase to 80 million. Read more

