Having spent the past two decades doing a substantial amount of writing at a desk, I have great appreciation for a setup that protects my back and allows me to stay mobile. Read more
For people who feel they need to eat a filling breakfast to prepare for a physically demanding day ahead, rather than turn to sugary cereals, I often suggest making a smoothie bowl.
Simply combine equally parts frozen banana chunks and unsweetened plant milk, blend until smooth, and top with anything you like. Almond butter and in-season blueberries are a favourite in our household. Read more
Gently bouncing up and down while partially submerged under water is an excellent way of improving circulation throughout your body, maintaining muscle and bone strength, and promoting healthy circulation of lymph fluid through your lymphatic system - all are essential to supporting optimal immune system strength. Read more
This deeply moving sculpture was presented by Alexandr Milov at the 2015 Burning Man gathering.
It shows two adults sitting back to back in dejection after a disagreement while the inner child in both reaches out to reconnect.
Doesn’t this accurately convey how we can be diminished and even crippled by our wounds? To hurt after conflict is to be human, but we also have the capacity to put our pain, resentment, and pride to the side to seek authentic reconciliation. Read more
I'm relatively certain that there isn't one system of eating that works well for everyone, and that our dietary needs for optimal health invariably changes as we go through different life stages. So ultimately, it's up to each individual to try dietary strategies that make sense and are in alignment with human biochemistry, to observe how their body and health respond, and to make modifications when necessary.
When looking to lose fat, I feel it's vital to keep the following in mind:
SKLZ Accustick - Trigger Point and Tension Relief Self-Massage Tool: https://amzn.to/2QGgUU7
When looking to diminish knots or areas of hypertonicity in any muscle group, it can be highly effective to actively move an underlying joint through its natural range of motion while apply steady pressure to the muscle belly that is tight. Read more