In Korean cuisine, we call these balls of flavoured rice "Joo Mohk Bap," which translates to Fist Rice, as each ball of rice is about the size of a small fist. Read more
Last week, I was asked by a fellow living in Washington state for a few simple ways to improve his health and outlook. He shared that depression has been a part of his life since his late teenage years, and now in his mid-30s, he has been struggling to find reasons to go on.
My suggestions were as follows:
1. Begin each day in a quiet place, reflecting out loud or on paper on anything that you are truly grateful for. If it's a person you know or spent time with in the past, express your gratitude to that person and send them your best wishes. Read more
This may be my favourite instance of a classic love song that was actually written in the spirit of a beautiful friendship rather than romance. My hat's off to Bernie and Elton, and of course, to all those who made Rocketman.
Lyrics for Your Song, by Bernie Taupin and Elton JohnRead more
Korean pancakes, called bin dae duk, are unique in that they aren't made with flour. Traditionally, bin dae duk includes small amounts of pork, but on this particular day, we made this with nothing but hearty beans, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of rice. Read more