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Dr. Ben Kim's blog

How to Gently Loosen A Frozen Shoulder

The definitive cause of frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is unknown. Some believe it is a self protective mechanism to prevent damaged tendons from becoming further damaged. Others point to an autoimmune mechanism that creates inflammation. Read more


Another Way To Improve Insulin Sensitivity

As a followup to a previous post on How to Improve Insulin Sensitivity, Blood Sugar Regulation, and Body Composition, this is an option for those who may be limited in their ability to do bodyweight squats. Read more


Try This To Improve Insulin Sensitivity, Blood Sugar Regulation, and Body Composition

To improve your body's ability to store glucose as glycogen in your skeletal muscles, try doing some body weight squats before each substantial meal. Even one set of 10 to 20 body weight squats is enough to prime and prepare your skeletal muscles to act as receptive storage sites for glycogen. Read more


Psychedelics: Lifting The Veil - Dr. Robin Carhart Harris

"Robin has been conducting pioneering brain imaging studies of psychedelic drugs. Most recently, he has completed the first phase of a clinical trial looking at the potential of psilocybin to treat depression, and his talk looks at how these drugs can be used in treatment. Read more


Sometimes You Just Have To Say Good-Bye

When I was in graduate school, I was lucky to be grouped with a fellow intern who I'll call Jason. Not lucky as in blessed to have a friend who I enjoyed spending time with; lucky as in fortunate to learn what I should stay away from.

I'm not going to attempt to be generous in my recollection of Jason. He was a prototypical user, someone whose idea of being a good friend was gracing you with his good looks over lunch in exchange for you picking up the tab. Read more


A Simple Way To Care For Your Hips - One Minute Daily

This is a simple way of restoring and maintaining hip mobility at any age.

While sitting on the ground or on a chair, start with your leg straight out in front of you, heel on the ground. Rotate your foot as far as it will go internally and externally and alternate between these two end points, really feeling this range in your hip. Read more


How to Gently Break Up Adhesions in a Frozen Shoulder

The definitive cause of frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is unknown. Some believe it is a self protective mechanism to prevent damaged tendons from becoming further damaged. Others point to an autoimmune mechanism that creates inflammation. Read more


More on Extracting Nutrients Out of What You Eat

As mentioned earlier in this series, cooking vegetables and other plant foods can soften naturally occurring fiber, which makes it easier for your digestive system to extract the many micronutrients that are abundant in plant foods. Read more


Flash Sale Plus Newly Arrived Lots of Our Coconut Milk Powder and Peruvian Organic Dried Mangoes

We hope this impromptu back to school flash sale is a well received bonus for those who have been waiting on our new lots of coconut milk powder and Peruvian organic dried mangoes to arrive, which they have!

Our coconut milk powder, excellent as a delicious dairy-free creamer for coffee and tea and a satisfying addition to smoothies and soups for their healthy fatty acids is available here: Read more


Thoughts on Anger | Dr. Shefali Tsabary
