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Dr. Ben Kim's blog

Shelby's Vegan Pesto Recipe

7 Ways to Care for Your Health Every Day

I'm often asked how to go about finding a family physician who emphasizes the importance of our daily choices and isn't quick to lean on prescription medications to address common health challenges. Read more


Liberate Your Hips With Rickson Squats

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

How to Wash and Prep Lettuce

Updated on April 8, 2019

When I encourage clients to eat plenty of green lettuce, the most common objection that comes up is lack of time.

Washing and drying a head of lettuce can be a little awkward, especially if you don't do it regularly.

Most are happy to learn that there's a relatively easy way to do it and transform even wilting leaves into fresh, crisp lettuce that you can use throughout the day. Read more


What Most Physicians and Researchers Won't Tell You About Your Health

Updated on April 5, 2019

Once in a while, I receive requests for references to back up some of information on self health care that I share throughout this website. If a post doesn't have citations for published studies, some people refuse to consider its contents. Believe it or not, some of these folks get downright ornery about this issue.

My response is two-fold: Read more


Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi on Fulfilling Work

Two Daily Practices to Support Optimal Health and Healing

One of the great challenges that I've repeatedly encountered since becoming a health care provider is the mindset that the human body is a mechanical entity, perhaps like a car, the idea being that if something is wrong with our health, all that is needed is a replacement part, or perhaps the right doctor to fix us up. Read more


Many Thanks to Volkl Tennis
