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Dr. Ben Kim's blog

Shelby's Sweet Potato Fries



3 medium or 2 large sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (melted)
1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
1 teaspoon of curry powder
Pinch of sea salt
Chopped fresh cilantro for garnish Read more


Dairy-Free Chocolate Ice Cream


Ingredients: Read more


What If We Knew Everyone's Date of Death?

What if we could see everyone's date of death in an imaginary bubble above their head?

How would knowing the day that people will die impact the way we see and treat them?

Take a moment to think about the people around you, those you know best.  Are you consistently treating them as you would if you knew the precise day when they will be gone?

What would you change about your approach to life if you knew your own date of expiration and that of those around you? Read more


2 Ways to Decrease Risk of Dementia Plus Thoughts on Loneliness Among the Elderly

For more discussion on how to ward off loneliness, isolation, and depression, please visit:

Or you can contribute to this discussion in the comments section under this video at our YouTube channel: Read more


3 Stretches For Better Hip Mobility

The idea is to take our hips through internal rotation, external rotation, and then a deep general stretch that includes the glutes and the connective tissue fascia that ties in with the lower back.

All 3 stretches can be held for as long as is comfortable. Read more


Thoughts on Supporting Our Elders

Posted in January of 2019

In today's newsletter, I mentioned that I'll soon be giving a talk to some students that will touch on the growing epidemic of loneliness, isolation, and depression among the elderly in developed countries. I included a request for some feedback from our readership. Specifically, for those in their 60s and beyond, I asked the following two questions:

What do you value most at this point in your life?

And thinking back to earlier seasons of your journey, what would you do differently if you knew what you do now? Read more


Shelby's Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies


Ingredients: Read more


Dr. Kai-Fu Lee on the Future of Artificial Intelligence and 10 Jobs Safe From Displacement by Automation

According to Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, the nature of artificial intelligence is such that it will not be able to do the following:

  • Accomplish complex work that requires precise hand-eye coordination.

  • Create, conceptualize, or manage complex strategic planning.


Simple Oats Recipe

Posterior Shoulder Release

This is a relatively simple way of releasing tight tissues in the posterior shoulder region, mainly the posterior deltoid fibers and rotator cuff muscles and tendons that run through this region.

Ensuring optimal length of these tissues supports pain-free range of motion and functional strength of the shoulders while the arms are overhead and out in front of the trunk. Read more

