Traditional cleansing programs that call for freshly pressed juices, raw foods, and even room temperature water with lemon juice, maple syrup, and pepper may work for most people when the weather is warm, but how do you experience an effective cleanse without feeling exceedingly cold and frail during late fall, winter, and early spring? Read more
Virtually all of our everyday activities ask our forearm flexors to do the heavy lifting relative to our forearm extensors, so naturally, our forearm flexors tend to be stronger and more resistant to injury than our forearm extensors. Read more
This is a look at how to use a suspension system training kit or gym rings to restore lost shoulder mobility and to keep your shoulders healthy at any age. Read more
This is a brief look at a variety of mobility exercises that can be done with a suspension system training kit and textured foam roller. Both were provided by a company called FitBeast, with links to their items below: Read more
In experimenting with a number of tonics over the years, I've whittled my favourites down to a simple concoction of six ingredients that are highly effective in offering protection against strep throat, colds and flu.
Here's what you need to make this simple and highly effective sore throat, cold, and flu tonic: Read more
From a seated position, have your feet together on the floor in front of you and your hands planted behind you, about shoulder-width apart.
Elevate your pelvis so that it approaches the same level as your shoulders and knees, forming a table with your trunk from shoulders to knees. Read more
It's become clear to me that there are many among our readership who wish to know exactly where I stand on COVID and varying mandates that are popping up around the world.
Given that this newsletter goes out to somewhere around 90 thousand people globally, you might imagine that whenever I share thoughts on any contentious issues, I receive countless passionate responses, typically split evenly between the world's growing partisan divide. Read more
If you have chronic or recurrent back pain and stiffness, it may be that shortened hamstrings are creating a constant downward pull on your pelvis which could be causing compensatory biomechanics within your lumber and thoracic spinal regions, manifesting as pain and/or stiffness. Read more