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Natural Health Solutions

Natural Ways to Protect Your Skin Against Sunlight-Related Damage

Skin cancer is now the most common type of cancer in the United States and in most first world nations. In the U.S. alone, more than one million new cases of skin cancer are expected in 2009.

With growing awareness of the importance of being smart about sun exposure, how is it that skin cancer is on the rise? Read more


An Objective Look At The Withdrawal Method Of Birth Control

By Susan Donaldson James

When sex researcher Rachel K. Jones published a report that suggests the much-maligned withdrawal method of birth control was nearly as effective as condoms in preventing pregnancy, she was showered with criticism.

And it wasn't evangelicals who had taken virginity pledges who pulled out the big guns. Read more


Natural Solutions for Tension Headaches

Tension-type headaches typically involve dull or pressure-like pain in and around your temples, forehead, scalp, or the back of your neck. Often times, the pain associated with a tension-type headache will feel like it's being created by a band of pressure that's tightening around your head. Read more


Understanding Blood Pressure

Updated on February 23, 2009

With a baby on the way, I thought that it would be prudent to apply for a life insurance policy. After doing some research, I decided to go with a term life insurance policy with a well known company in Canada. During the application process, I discovered that this particular company offers four different rates for their policies, called N1, N2, N3, and N4. Each person is assigned one of these rates based on the results of a nurse's visit, during which time questions are asked about medical history and current lifestyle, blood pressure and pulse rate are checked, and blood and urine samples are taken. I was told that the vast majority of people are put into the most expensive category, N4, while a small percentage of people in especially good health with low to no risk factors for disease are put into a less expensive category, with N1 being the least expensive. Read more


Catalogue of Our Holistic Audio Programs

To help create inside-out change with specific health and life challenges, I've found it immensely effective to use technology called brainwave entrainment, which is employed in all of our holistic audio programs. Read more


Product Review: Laptop Laidback - The Portable Table for Stress-Free Computing

In early 2009, I injured my lower back to a point where I had no choice but to rest in bed for almost two whole days. Thankfully, I experienced a quick, full recovery. While I was lying around reading through a stack of my favorite biographies, it occurred to me that I ought to set up my office in a way where I don't have to sit for long stretches whenever I have to do some computer work.

I've worked with a number of clients over the years who have resorted to standing at their work desks, as standing puts less overall stress on the spine and paraspinal structures than sitting. Standing is especially helpful to people who have disc-related pain in the lower back region. Read more


How to Treat Elbow Tendonitis (Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow)

Elbow tendonitis is a diagnosis that encompasses two common elbow conditions: tennis elbow, and golfer's elbow.

Tennis elbow refers to inflammation of the tendons that attach to the outside or lateral part of the elbow, while golfer's elbow refers to inflammation of the tendons that attach to the inner or medial part of the elbow. Read more


Simple Habit to Help Keep Your Lower Back Strong and Healthy

If you have what some people call a balky back - one that seems to get tight and sore on a regular basis without any apparent cause - you might benefit from adopting the following simple habit that can significantly improve the strength of your lower back and core: Read more


How to Have Clear and Healthy Skin - Part Two

In part one of this series on How to Have Clear and Healthy Skin, we reviewed the makeup and functions of human skin, and presented 9 natural ways to promote healthy skin.

This article looks at the powerful influence that your emotions have on the health of your skin. Read more


Natural Skin Care: How to Have Clear and Healthy Skin

Before we take a close look at how to use principles of natural skin care to promote clear and healthy skin, please consider the following facts about your skin: Read more




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