Most Recent Health Tips, Health News, and Easy Healthy Recipes

Tropical Smoothie Recipe

This tropical smoothie recipe calls for just four ingredients, all of which are foods that are indigenous to tropical regions. If you can't find coconut milk at your local grocery store, try an Asian food market. Most Asian markets now carry brands that contain only trace amounts of preservatives, if any.

Coconut milk contributes loads of healthy fatty acids, richness, and a wonderful coconut aroma to this smoothie.

Ingredients: Read more


Detox Juice Recipe

A freshly pressed vegetable juice that is meant to stimulate the elimination of toxins from your body should have the following properties:

1. The ability to encourage movement of waste products through your intestines.

2. The ability to encourage your digestive organs to release digestive juices that can help to optimally break down recently ingested food.

3. The ability to draw toxins out of your tissues.

With these properties in mind, here is one of the most effective detox juice recipes that I know of: Read more


Lead Found in Bibs Sold in United States

According to reports by the Center for Environmental Health, the New York Times, and the Canadian Broadcasting Association, baby bibs imported from China and available for purchase at Toys 'R' Us stores in the United States contain high levels of lead.

According to test results by the Center for Environmental Health, the vinyl bibs in question contain up to three times the amount of lead that is allowed in paint. Read more


Cucumber and Red Onion Salad Recipe

Cucumber and red onion slices combine to make a refreshing, crunchy, and sweet salad dish, perfect for the dog days of summer. If you can find smaller cucumbers, the kind used to make dill pickles, use as many of them as you need to substitute for the 3 conventional cucumbers that this recipe calls for.

The quantities listed in the ingredients section make approximately 6 servings. Read more


Unforgettable Moments With Our Children

In late April of this year, my wife and I experienced a very brief but magical moment with our toddler son during an evening stroll by a local lake. On a whim, I mentioned our unforgettable moment in the closing section of an issue of my natural health newsletter. Because so many of our readers wrote in to thank me for sharing that experience, I thought I would post it here in my blog, and follow it up with a handful of letters from readers who brightened my day with their own memories of their children at play. Read more


Laser Printers Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Last week, researchers from Queensland University of Technology in Australia published a study that indicates that some laser printers create as much fine-particle pollution as cigarette smoke. The researchers warn that laser printer-emitted pollution can affect people's lungs in the same way that cigarettes can, making it a legitimate health threat to people who work around active laser printers in poorly ventilated spaces. The researchers also warn that beyond posing a threat to lung health, exposure to laser printer pollution can ultimately increase one's risk of developing cardiovascular disease and even cancer. Read more


Rice with Basil-Walnut Pesto Recipe

Fresh basil is an excellent food choice because of its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. Ounce for ounce, few green vegetables contain as much beta-carotene as basil. Basil also contains volatile oils that can decrease inflammation and provide symptomatic relief from a variety of health conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Read more


Understanding and Overcoming Chronic Depression

Have you ever considered the possibility that if you are depressed, you should be?

Popular media and our society in general tend to teach us that it is normal to be perpetually happy. But is it normal to be happy all of the time? Read more


How Do You Know That You Are Depressed?

What’s In A Diagnosis?

How do you know that you are depressed? Is it just plain obvious to yourself and those who are closest to you? Did a doctor diagnose you with depression? Read more




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