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Exercises for Mobility and Functional Strength

How to Open Up Tight Hips

For those struggling with hip pain and stiffness, this is a simple stretch that I recommend doing daily.

This is best done with a strong resistance band - I prefer one made of a fabric-like material like this: Fabric Resistance Band Read more


How to Build Pain-Free and Mobile Shoulders at Any Age

If you have a tendency to experience shoulder pain or stiffness, I recommend doing the stretches shown in the video above before getting out of bed. Read more


Making All Exercises Core-Centric For More Functional Strength

These days, I’m loving the focus of making all exercises core-centric.

Generally, working with weights unilaterally while striving to keep the core in a strong and neutral position with abs and glutes contracted is a rewarding approach. Read more


How to Lengthen Your Hip Flexors for Optimal Hip and Back Health

This is a look at how to lengthen hip flexors - keeping hip flexors at an optimal length allows for optimal hip mobility, and in those with a history of tight hip flexors, stretching them often leads to improvement in back health. Read more


Simple Band Work To Improve Shoulder Mobility

This is a look at how to use a resistance band to improve shoulder mobility. Read more


Mobility Routine for Desk Workers

Begin by taking your neck through controlled flexion, extension, rotation to both sides, and lateral flexion, all as far as you can comfortably go.

Then take your neck through full circles in a controlled manner, clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Read more


Improve Back Health by Lengthening Shortened Hamstrings

In response to Monday's post on movements that counteract slouching, a number of people asked what to do about intermittent back pain. Read more


How to Counteract Slouching and Open Up Stiff Shoulders and

In resting child's pose, hands outstretched in front of you, palms down, press your chest downward and alternate between leaning down into each armpit - think of making your armpits bigger with each pulse. Read more


3 Movements for a Stronger Core and Healthier Shoulders

In Korea, frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is common enough at a certain stage of life that it's called "fifty shoulder," meaning a shoulder ailment that tends to develop sometime during one's fifties or beyond. Read more




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